BS Trading

Our Mission

Our goal is to minimize carbon emissions while also promoting economic growth by developing dependable and cost-effective renewable energy solutions. Delivering efficient and long-term renewable energy projects, as well as clever energy storage, keeps us motivated on our journey to a clean energy future.
We also work hard to ensure that our clients and key partners get a good return on their investment.

Our Vision

Solar energy will be the leading technology in transforming the global energy supply structure towards a truly sustainable energy future based on indigenous, non-polluting and competitive renewable technologies.


As the global solar market further develops, Bright Solution works to position itself as a leading financial and commercial service provider. The transition from subsidized to grid parity solar PV is bringing as many opportunities as challenges to investors, developers, and advisors.


Technical Corner


As for what photovoltaics is, it’s the direct conversion of light into electricity as the result of a reaction that takes place at the atomic level. By leveraging materials that exhibit the photoelectric effect, it’s possible to create PV solar cells and deploy them on a large scale, i.e., on the roofs of residential housing or in industrial solar cell farms to generate clean, renewable electricity.

Photovoltaic Types


One of the main types of the solar power system is Off-grid — also known as a stand-alone power system (SAPS). It works by generating electricity from solar panels and using it to charge a solar battery via a charger controller. That electricity is then converted using an inverter so that it can power the home or business appliances. By saving the electricity in a solar battery, it is possible to run home with solar energy, even at night or during times when there is less sun exposure.


Grid-Tied Solar System also known as on-grid, utility-interactive, grid intertie, and grid back feeding is a solar system concept that is connected to the utility power grid.
Because a Grid-Tied Solar System does not require batteries and other equipment to use battery storage energy, it will lower equipment and installation cost allowing you to save more money with solar panels through better efficiency rates and net metering. Grid-tied solar systems are generally cheaper and very simple to install.
Solar panels often generate more electricity than you are capable of consuming and because of net metering, excess electricity is put onto the utility grid. Net metering is a very important role in how solar power is incentivized. Many utility companies are committed to buying electricity from homeowners at the same rate as they sell it themselves.
additional perks of being grid-tied include access to backup power from the utility grid. At the same time, you help to mitigate the utility company’s peak load. As a result, the efficiency of our electrical system as a whole goes up.


A hybrid solar system was primarily designed to integrate the best features of both off-grid and grid-tied, or on-grid, solar systems. You essentially get the best of both worlds by receiving the overall guaranteed electricity supply of the grid along with the benefit of having a battery backup system for storing electricity that’s produced throughout the day to use at night.


Saves you money on your electric bills

By generating your own electricity, you’ll be less reliant on corporate energy companies, and as such, you won’t be hit as hard when electricity prices spike.

Cuts carbon emissions

This environmentally friendly way of making energy produces no harmful emissions as a by-product


Renewable energy

Unlike other forms of fuel (like oil, coal and fossil fuels), the sun isn’t going to run out anytime soon!


24-hour power

Coupled with a battery storage unit, you’ll have access to free electricity even when the sun isn’t shining. You’ll also be less vulnerable to blackouts and power cuts.